Assessment of Radiation Exposure Dose for Nuclear Medicine Worker...: Ingenta Connect 您所在的位置:网站首页 mdicine workers Assessment of Radiation Exposure Dose for Nuclear Medicine Worker...: Ingenta Connect

Assessment of Radiation Exposure Dose for Nuclear Medicine Worker...: Ingenta Connect

#Assessment of Radiation Exposure Dose for Nuclear Medicine Worker...: Ingenta Connect| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Keywords: F18-FDG; Nuclear medicine; PET/CT; Tc-99; patients; radiation dose

Document Type: Research Article

Publication date: 01 December 2022

More about this publication? Current Radiopharmaceuticals publishes original research articles, letters, reviews, drug clinical trial studies and guest edited issues on all aspects of research and development of radiolabelled compound preparations. The scope of the journal covers the following areas: radio imaging techniques, therapies; preparation and application of radionuclide compounds including the incorporation of tracer methods used in scientific research and applications. Editorial Board Information for Authors Subscribe to this Title Ingenta Connect is not responsible for the content or availability of external websites






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